What is FLV and why choose FLV video format?
FLV (Flash Video) is a proprietary file format used to deliver video over the Internet via Adobe Flash Player (formerly known as Macromedia Flash Player) version 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Flash video formats(FLV/SWF) is the best choice to add video to a website, which lies in the following reasons:
1.Flash video is a container file format used to deliver video over the Internet.
2. Flash Player can work on Windows, Linux and Mac OS (including Tiger, Snow leaplord) and is supported by more browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc)than any other player.
3. Flash can automatically stream video. It takes up less spaces and bandwidth.
4. There are many wonderful flash creators to help you to make a amazing flash with customize flash player.
Recently a number of notable Websites, such as Youtube, Google video and Reuters, use FLV format. FLV video is supported by all popular browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera...) and viewable on different operating systems (MacOS, Windows, and Linux).
After create a Flash video in FLV/SWF format with video to flash for mac (See details: Convert Video to SWF/FLV/Animation on Mac OSX), how do you put it on your website correctly?
Put the FLV video on Web page step by step.
Step 1. Upload the created ".swf" file and the ".flv" video file to the same folder on your server. For example, if you want to show the video on http://www.myhomepage.com/index.htm, then upload the ".swf" and ".flv" files together to the path http://www.myhomepage.com/.
Step 2. Add the following html code to your page and customize the relating parameters.
If you have chosen "Get the FLV path from a URL variable and play progressively" , then
add code:
And customize the parameters:
Replace "myvideofile.flv" with your FLV filename;
Replace "flashvideoplayer.swf" with your SWF filename;
Replace "http://www.myhomepage.com/" with your own address;
Replace the "width" and "height" with your flv file's width and height. Specify the "quality" and "bgcolor" as you want.
In the code above, flv is just the URL variable name that you should have specified before conversion. The player can automatically get the URL variable's value (http://www.myhomepage.com/myvideofile.flv), and play the Flash Video.
If you have chosen "Play the created external FLV file progressively ", then
add code:
And customize the parameters:
Replace "flashvideoplayer.swf" with your SWF filename;
Replace "http://www.myhomepage.com/" with your own address;
And replace the "width" and "height" with your flv file's width and height. Specify the "quality" and "bgcolor" as you want. The Flash video player has the ".flv" file's URL when it is created. So you don't need to specify it in the code.
Please mind: The .swf file name must be the same as its that was uploaded to your server host.