
Monday, June 20, 2011

How to find the hidden files on Mac OS X?

The best way to find the hidden files on Mac OS X

The Mac OS X operating system hides important system files to protect your computer. This is a measure meant to prevent you from modifying files that shouldn't be modified, or deleting files that your computer needs to run correctly. Occasionally, you may need to find a file that Mac OS X hides. To do this, modify the search parameters in Finder.


Step 1 Click the "Finder" icon on your Mac

Step2 Click the "File" in the Finder menu bar at the top of the screen and then choose "Find". Alternatively, type "Command" and "F." This opens the ability to search for files in Finder.

Step 3 Click the "Kind" button. Choose "Other" from the menu in order to open a window with new options.

Step 4 Click "File Invisible" from the alphabetical list of options. Click "OK" to close the options window and return to the Finder.

Step 5 Click the button beside the "File Invisible" button and choose "Invisible Items."

Step 6 Type the name of the file you're searching for in the Search Field. Press "Return."

Related articles:

How to show and hide hidden files on Mac OS X quickly?
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